Top tips For an Amicable Divorce

Top tips For an Amicable Divorce
13 May 2019

Although divorce rates are falling in England and Wales, there were over 100,000 divorces in 2017. Divorce is often a very disruptive and upsetting experience for both parties, but there are ways to reduce the acrimony. Having dealt with a wide variety of divorces and separations over many years, we have helped lots of couples come to a civilised conclusion. Here are our top tips for an amicable divorce:

Handle Your Emotions & Communicate Effectively

There’s no denying that divorce is an emotional time, but it can stand in the way of achieving an amicable divorce. If emotions are running high, calm discussions are challenging and stressful. Before starting any official procedure, ensure that you will be speaking with a level-head.  We recommend many of our clients to counselling and support services to enable them to deal with the process in the best possible way and make decisions that will stand the test of time.

The importance of starting a divorce amicably has been considered within plans to change divorce laws, which will allow no-fault divorces to become commonplace in England and Wales. No one has to be blamed for the divorce and there doesn’t have to be any finger pointing. It is planned that parties will be able to simply state that the relationship has broken down.

Focus on Children

Children are the primary focus for parents who can be understandably concerned about the potentially damaging effect on children – not just the separating parents.  We help parents focus on their children first through consideration of their best interests at every stage.  We appreciate that the last thing your children want to see is you and your partner having heated disputes and rows. Keeping the welfare of your children at the front of your mind will also help you communicate better and handle your emotions.


Mediation is becoming an increasingly popular way of settling all types of disputes including divorce. The process involves you and your partner sitting down with a neutral third-party mediator who can also be a qualified family lawyer. The mediator will manage the discussions between you to see whether you can reach an agreement regarding your divorce, eliminating costly court fees.  As couples communicate directly this can cut out misunderstanding and help to develop new parenting relationships where children are involved.

Two of our solicitors, Emma Hamilton Cole and Charlotte Millard, are trained to conduct mediation. For more information on our divorce service, or to book an initial no obligation appointment, please telephone us to fix an appointment via 01202 484242
